Mobile Outreach
Delivering services to the hard-to-reach and under-served

Our Outreach teams go the last mile to deliver services in under-served areas.
MSION provides free, quality, and safe long acting and permanent FP methods (LAPM) to rural communities across 30 states in over 4000 sites in the northern and southern parts of Nigeria through the infrastructure of public health centres.
Reaching people across the country
Our outreach services take a range of free or subsidised high-quality and modern contraceptives to women who are not able to access these services.
We provide free, quality, and safe long acting and permanent FP methods (LAPM) to rural communities across the Northern and Southern parts of Nigeria.
Using the infrastructure of public health centres, outreach teams increase reproductive health choices in these communities where the existing public and private health clinics struggle to meet the needs of women and men.
By fine-tuning our outreach services, we have expanded access in an efficient and cost-effective way in several communities and areas.

Who do we reach?
Operating on a wide scale we cover almost 95% of Nigeria’s rural communities annually, reaching:
- Women living in remote, rural locations and urban slums where clinics and hospitals are scarce, too expensive to reach, or there is a shortage of skilled staff and equipment.
- Women living in areas where modern contraceptive options are limited or prone to stock shortages, and where long-acting or permanent methods such as intrauterine devices (IUDs) are not readily available.
- Women living in poverty who cannot afford contraceptives or check-ups.
- More than a quarter of the people we reach are aged 15-27 – a group less likely to use contraception than older women.
- People with little or no awareness of contraception.
Other ways to access our services

MSI Nigeria Medical Centres
MSION currently has five ‘Centres of Excellence’ in Abuja, Benin, Port Harcourt, and two in Lagos (Surulere and Lekki) that provide quality FP services and a full range of other SRH services, as well as CCSPT, vaccinations, and laboratory tests.

Marie Stopes Ladies
Marie Stopes Ladies are community-based healthcare providers who deliver services from door-to-door or from their own homes to women within their communities. They have built up trust and goodwill within their communities and can offer services on credit to their clients thereby eliminating a major barrier to access to quality health services.

Private Sector Engagement
Private Sector Engagement is a service delivery approach used by MSI in which small, independent health care businesses are organised into quality-assured networks. MSION has created a private sector provider network under the brand name to engage otherwise fragmented private providers to deliver high quality SRH services that contribute to national public health goals.